About Adventure Racing

Why are all races survival of the fittest? The fastest always wins. Boring!
What if we could make a leap in evolution. Use our intelligence. Survival of the smartest. Now that is the pinnacle of the human race.
Come evolve to a higher form of life in a new outdoor challenge. Adventure racing transcends everything you have experienced before.
Adventure racing is done in teams of 2 to 4 people usually with at least one of each gender, travelling together navigating through various checkpoints by multiple disciplines. It can involve any type of self propelled activity, from mountain biking to skiing, from trekking to abseiling, from kayaking to horse riding, from coasteering to in-line skating. Races vary in length - anywhere between a short course event of a couple of hours (such as the AROC Sport Adventures) to an expedition length race of 10 days (races like the Eco-Challenge, Southern Traverse and Subaru Primal Quest).
Adventure racing is not just about being fit. It involves resilience, perseverance, teamwork, adaptability and strategy. Most importantly, it is about having fun with friends, taming the urban environment or thriving in our amazing wilderness. You can choose your own pace but you will always be challenged, both physically and mentally. You will need to work together as a team.
The race starts - you have a map, a team and an objective. You race against your judgment. This way or that way? On foot, on bike, on water. Strategy is everything. Before the race starts you need to decide on your team composition. Do you build your team based on speed, on navigation ability, on problem solving skills, on stamina or on who can be cool under pressure? Issues of gender fade away. Mixed teams are proving to be among the worlds best combinations. At last a chance to test whether women can read maps and if men will ever ask for directions!
Adventure racing condenses a myriad of lifetime experiences into a short intense race period. But at the same time adventure racing requires you to use your life experiences to succeed. Now you have an opportunity to enjoy your health and fitness like never before. Come and join us for some recreation, exploration and invigoration through adventure races and outdoor challenges. Find out more about the AROC Sport Adventures -
click here.

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