Lodge-to-Lodge Dogsled Vacations
A Wintergreen exclusive, these packages are suited for persons ages 5 to 85 and require no experience or gear. Accompanied by our guide-naturalists, you'll mush a team of our friendly Eskimo dogs on beautiful wilderness trails each day and enjoy great meals and cozy northwoods cabins each evening. Choose from:
GOOD: our Standard 4-night Dog Sledding Vacations (about 8 guests per trip, suited for pairs or individuals)BETTER: our Deluxe 4-night Dog Sledding Vacations (up to 6 guests, fine dining & lodging, private bathrooms)BEST: our "Star of the North" 4-night Dogsledding Vacations (limited to 4 guests, gourmet dinners, premier lodging), SHORTER: our 3-night Lodge-based Dogsledding Vacations (suited for pairs or individuals, specially priced for family groups)
Wintergreen Workshops These are lodge-to-lodge dogsled vacations with a twist. They include guest instructors who are professional outdoor photographers or writers who'll share their knowledge and help you build skills.
PHOTO WORKSHOP is a 5-night dogsled trip with Time-Life Photographer Layne KennedyPARENT-DAUGHTER WORKSHOPS are 4-night dog sled trips with creative writing tips by New Moon Magazine staff.
Dogsled Camping Trips
BEGINNING DOGSLED CAMPING: Our "Wintergreen Classics" are suited for complete novices. You'll spend your first night at Wintergreen Lodge learning dog sledding, snowshoeing, skiing, and winter camping skills. Then with our guides you'll enjoy a 4-day/3-night trek in the spectacular boundary wilderness capped with a final festive evening back at a lodge. Lots of learning and lots of fun.
ADVANCED DOGSLED & SKI CAMPING; These get you deeper into the wilderness by dogsled, ski and snowshoe and offer more intense skills instruction. These 6 to 8 night trips are suited for persons who've been on a Wintergreen Classic or who have previous camping and skiing experience. They are truly outstanding adventure experiences and many of them are led by director Paul Schurke. ARCTIC TRIPS involve new destinations each spring which have included the Russian Arctic, Hudson Bay, Greenland, Ellesmere Island, and even the North Pole. These trips are guided by Wintergreen Founder/Director Paul Schurke who ranks among the most experienced arctic dogsled guides in the world.
Day Trips & Group Trips
DAY TRIPS include half & full day dog mushing options for all ages
GROUP TRIPS: book your own private trip for family or friends at discounted rates

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